Paiement sécurisé
Livraison sur-mesure
Fabrication parisienne


Par Atsumi Takemoto

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Caisse Américaine bois
Encadré noir
Total (hors livraison)
Délai de fabrication 48h

Cette photographie a une histoire

This (overpass humanitarian) bridge (built in 1929) was decided to be demolished due to ageing. It's still undecided when it will be demolished, but We won't be able to see it in the near future. I also met various people,young and old, here. If this bridge disappears completely, all the happening and stories on this bridge may be completely forgotten. I'm always just a bystander.

Tournez manège !

    Newsletter photo (mais pas cliché !)
    Chaque semaine, votre boîte mail en prend plein la vue (actu photo, concours, bons plans partenaires, etc.)